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Learn to hear and understand every musical detail

of the great interpretative standard of tango.


Buy "Aníbal Troilo's Style" course

Listen. Understand. Enjoy. Improve.  

Understanding what we hear to makes us enjoy more, makes us dance better, makes us play better and makes us teach better. Aimed at dancers, musicians and aficionados alike, with this course anyone can learn to recognize and enjoy the wonderful style of Aníbal Troilo in its full dimension.  

No previous musical knowledge is necessary.

Whether you are a milonguero, choreographer, musician or just curious about tango, this course will transform your listening to a place of understanding that you had not imagined possible.

This course on Aníbal Troilo is a journey to the heart of one of the most loved and revered orchestras by tangueros and tangueras around the world, teaching in a didactic, clear and entertaining way all the musical and stylistic elements that define his style. 

The courses: a life's work 

Each course takes a detailed look at all of the elements that define a given style, progressing from general to specific and illustrating the concepts with hundreds of audio excerpts from the discographies of the orchestras. 

Each element is illustrated with at least 3 or 4 different examples, making it easier to hear and creating various opportunities for discovering and understanding every detail. 

Additionally, a group of musicians with expertise in each style of tango offers a generous number of examples, all filmed in a recording studio. They give their perspective, share their experiences, and show you how to play each example with a level of detail previously unseen.

These courses contain everything I have learned over more than three decades of obsessively listening to tango, collecting records, playing tango professionally on the double bass, producing records by great artists of the genre, teaching all over the world and sharing countless experiences with the very protagonists of the orchestras we admire so much. I will always be grateful to the great masters who shared all their knowledge with me with the greatest humility and generosity imaginable. This work is also a tribute to all of them.

Here is everything, a life's work, explained and ordered in a format that leaves no one out. The path is very friendly and full of opportunities to discover all that defines the styles from a loving and celebratory place.


From neophyte to expert:

a possible and fun journey 

Throughout this course, you will learn to hear and understand in detail all the beautiful and complex musical mechanisms of Troilo's orchestra and its stylistic development through the years.

This is a new way of listening which will change the way you dance, play, teach and share tango with others. 

Among other things, you’ll learn:

  • to identify the different stages of Troilo's orchestra. 
  • to distinguish the different rhythmic patterns used by Troilo and all their variants without any previous musical knowledge.
  • to understand his expressive logic and the construction of his orchestra's sound.
  • to hear the impact of the double bass in the texture of the orchestra.
  • to discover the extraordinary impact of the "double articulation."
  • to listen to the grandeur and lyricism of its tuttis.
  • to differentiate between "musical" and "stylistic" concepts.
  • to know its different expressive tools and the various functions of each instrument.
  • to recognize the different treatments of the melody depending on who is playing.
  • to establish the role and importance of each section in the orchestra in a clear and simple way.
  • to enjoy the personality of the different soloists in the style.
  • to enjoy one of the most emotive violin soloists in tango.
  • to call things by their name. 


an infallible  program* 



Overview of the Style.

  • Aníbal Troilo: what his figure represents and his impact and legacy in the history of tango.
  • Sophisticated artist and idol of the people: why Troilo is the great interpretative standard of tango.
  • Musical development over the years: one Troilo, many Troilos.



The 3 "Troilean" Seasons. 

  • The first orchestra (1937-1942): simple and danceable.
  • Musical development (1943-1956): complexity and expression peak.
  • The '60s (1957-1975): summary and synthesis.



Tempo and Marcato in 4.

  • From fixed tempo to flexible tempo: the power of a great expressive tool.
  • Marcato in 4: accentuation and variants with their own signature.
  • Double articulation: a paradigm shift for modern tango.
  • Troilo's double bass: a master of tango rhythmic leadership.
  • Marcato in 2: function, formulas, and embellishments.



Syncopations and Other Marking Models.

  • Syncopations: a tierra, anticipated, with a levare to the 1, with pizzicato on the bass. Functions and alternations.
  • Syncopation preceded by marcato in 2: a formula as simple as it is rewarding.
  • 3-3-2, Habanera, and Bordoneo: variety is the spice.
  • Two rhythmic details: piano stop and triplets in tutti.



Melodic treatment: tuttis and solis.

  • Tutti cantabile: lyricism and grandeur. Why Troilo's tutti are the most beautiful in the world.
  • Rhythmic Tutti: the keys to its logic and writing.
  • Formula: Rhythmic Tutti over a marcato in 4. Just add water.
  • Cello as a guide note: the hidden detail that blends everything.
  • Dynamics: the most underestimated tool of Troilo's expressiveness.
  • Fortepiano: a necessary call for subtlety.
  • String solis: an academic approach for a classic sound.
  • Pizzicato strings: rhythmic melodies and timbre change.
  • Bandoneon solis: the decarean heritage and expression.
  • Bandoneons “flautita”: a unique texture born from the tip of a pencil.
  • Bandoneon variations: melodic value over mere technicality.



Melodic treatment: solos.

  • Bandoneon solos: why there is a before and after Troilo. Technical characteristics, variations, and all expressive details.
  • The 3 piano solo formulas: pianists may change, but the formulas remain.
  • Pianists: a journey through the style and personality of each of his 7 extraordinary soloists.
  • Two more piano details: small gestures of great impact.
  • Violin solos: the forgotten great soloist. Pure expression and emotion.
  • Cello solos: a timbre with tango history.



Modulations, beginnings and endings.

  • Modulations: key changes for intellectual and emotional stimulation.
  • Beginnings: the 4 most representative patterns of the orchestra.
  • Section closure "one by one": that necessary transition.
  • Endings: the 2 closures of the great interpretative standard of tango.



Measure by measure: a complete theme analyzed graphically in real-time. Three layers of information explained second by second, bar by bar.



Final comment: reflection and gratitude.

SURPRISE BONUS: the masterpiece with which Troilo aimed to raise the bar of tango's musical development once and for all. Description and analysis.


 *Some of this content are not included in the Pocket version of the course.


Buy "Aníbal Troilo's Style" course

Exclusive bonuses

This course includes exclusive bonus material for The Essential Styles of Tango members.

Among other things this course includes:

  • Recommended bibliography
  • Glossary
  • Reliable discography
  • Exclusive playlists which accompany each module
  • Interactive games
  • Exclusive video of musical analysis in three layers (in real time, second by second)
  • Extra video: the masterpiece with which Troilo aimed to raise the bar of tango's musical development once and for all
  • Community forum for commenting, asking questions and interacting with other members

Deciding to grow 

No one is the same after viewing the courses included in The Essential Styles of Tango. The change in terms of listening to and understanding tango is obvious and definitive. 

This transformation has a strong impact on each person’s tango activities, whether it be on dancing if you’re a dancer, on playing if you’re a musician, on teaching if you’re a teacher or in terms of enjoyment no matter what you do. 

Sharing the passion for tango with others happens on a new level for those who take the The Essential Styles of Tango courses. 

Concepts, vocabulary, and possibilities begin to multiply, and so does your enjoyment.


Buy "Aníbal Troilo's Style" course


This course IS for you if ...


  • you love Troilo and want to understand his style in depth.

  • you don't know much about Troilo and want to understand his relevance and legacy.

  • you are a person who is passionate about tango and who wants to take a leap in improving your way of listening to Troilo's music.
  • you are a dancer and you want to develop your dance by deepening your relationship with the music you dance to.
  • you are a musician and you want to understand each style: to be able to identify its defining elements, understand its logic and embrace its swing.
  • you teach and you want to expand your knowledge and vocabulary.
  • to this day you don’t really understand what a syncopation is or what the difference is between a 3-3-2 and a bordoneo.
  • you are tired of spending money on lessons that don't clear up your doubts.
  • you feel the desire to share with others from a better understanding.
  • you are willing to make the small effort to open your ears and heart to the music you are passionate about.


This course IS NOT for you if...

  • you think traditional tango doesn’t have much value.

  • you are not interested in making a minimal effort to unblock your own obstacles. 
  • you expect magical results without dedicating the time and love that this beautiful music deserves. If you don't dedicate a little time and love to it, I can't guarantee results.  



Will I understand the courses if I know nothing about music?

You don’t need to have any prior musical knowledge in order to understand and enjoy the courses. The language is clear, friendly, and intended for all audiences. 

Are the courses for musicians only?

No, the courses have been created and designed so that anyone can enjoy them: dancers, musicians, aficionados, curious people and more. Everyone is welcome!

Are there examples of historical recordings?

Yes, there are many! Each course includes an average of 300 audio examples carefully selected and edited in order to illustrate the explanations as clearly as possible. Each of the elements explained in the courses is complemented with 3 or 4 examples from the catalog of each orchestra. It’s impossible not to hear what’s being explained.

Are there musicians playing live?

Yes, we added a group of distinguished musicians to the explanations whenever it was necessary to show something on an instrument. Whether as soloists or in a group, the musicians take the time to show a great number of musical and stylistic elements in detail, illustrating the ideas being presented. 

Are there English subtitles?

Yes, all of the courses have English subtitles created by an expert who is a native of the United States and a professional tango musician.

Are there subtitles in languages other than English?

Not yet, but we plan to do subtitles in other languages in the future.

For how long can I watch the courses I purchase?

The courses can be viewed indefinitely. Once you buy access to a course, you can watch and rewatch it as many times as you like, whenever and wherever you want. Forever.

Can I watch on my phone or computer?

Yes, the platform which hosts the courses is specially designed so that they can be enjoyed equally on computers, TV’s and phones. In fact, the format adjusts automatically if you choose to watch on your smartphone or tablet. 

How many hours is each course?

Each course has an average duration of 6 to 7 hours (except for the Pocket Version, which lasts an average of 3 hours). This might seem like a lot, but each course is divided into many shorter units which can be watched at whatever rhythm is comfortable for you, wherever and whenever. There’s nothing superfluous and nothing left out in The Essential Styles of Tango. The courses are very carefully designed to cover everything we need to know about each style without getting bored, in a way that is dynamic and accessible to anyone. 

If I buy the Pocket Version of the course, can I buy an upgrade to the Full Version or do I have to buy the whole thing again?

Any course purchased as a Pocket Version can be upgraded to the Full Version simply by paying for an upgrade, which means simply paying the difference in price between the Pocket Version and the Full Version.


Open your heart and ears to Aníbal Troilo's style.

Join all those who are already part of the community of The Essential Styles of Tango.

The choice is yours... 

Choose the version of the course that best suits your needs.


Aníbal Troilo's Style

$97 USD


  Style description

✓ The stages of the orchestra throughout the years

  Main marking models and some variations

 Tutti and soli (partial)

Bandoneon solos

Piano solos (partial)

Violin solos

 Measure-by-measure analysis

3 hours of content


 "Bandoneones flautita", and variations

✗ Cello solos

✗ Piano formulas and ornaments

✗ Modulations and beginnings

✗ Cierre "una por una" 

✗ Bonus Track: the masterpiece of 1946

✗ Definitive discography

✗ Listening games

✗ And much more...

Buy course

Aníbal Troilo's Style

$197 USD


  Style description

✓ The stages of the orchestra throughout the years

  All marking models and their variations

Tutti and soli (complete)

 Bandoneon solos

Piano solos (complete)

Violin solos

Measure-by-measure analysis

 6 hours of content


 "Bandoneones flautita", and variations

 Cello solos

 Piano formulas and ornaments

 Modulations and beginnings

 Cierre "una por una" 

 Bonus track: the masterpiece of 1946

  Definitive discography

Listening games

And much more...

Buy course

Aníbal Troilo's Style

$100 USD


  Unlock all the content not included in the Pocket version

 If you liked the Pocket version, you will love the FULL version

 ✓  Don't hesitate, it's time to delve deeper into learning and maximize your enjoyment...

 (Only for those who have already purchased the Pocket version)










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